(dunk 7x) – Simple obedience isn’t always easy

A year ago today, the Lord did something incredibly unexpected with one of my Jericho Prayers... He answered it. And He answered it in such a way that was so precious, so abundant, and just honestly so amazing, I was in awe. My joy and gratitude were overflowing because the entire time I prayed for [...]

Fear of having Faith kills dreams

One of my spiritual gifts is "Faith." For the longest time I lived life not understanding why people didn't have the same amount of confidence in God as I did. "What do you mean you doubt He'll do that for you? He is GOD so of course He can!" I didn't understand until I realized [...]

“When you know you know”

I'm not the biggest fan of this phrase. And I wasn't going to write about it until after I was married, because what right do I have to claim I don't like it when I'm not even married? What if I do have a "When you know you know" kind of meet and greet with [...]

Thank you for unanswered prayers

Back in college there was a man I thought I wanted to marry. This past weekend, he married someone else. Lord. Thank you for never answering my prayers about that man.  Thank you that he was not actually my husband.  Lord, thank you for protecting me from a man that was completely wrong for me. [...]

Break through what is not You

A few days ago a friend of mine was really on my heart, so I text her to hang out. Last night we got dinner and before we parted, joked, "Maybe this was why God wanted us to meet up!" We had just spent a good amount of time sharing similar struggles and experiences, ones [...]

Thank you 27

Today, I cried when I realized it's my last day of being 27. Weird right? I've never cried over turning a year older. It was always "Thank goodness, *insert next age* is going to be even better." But today I don't feel that way. Not that I don't trust 28 (although if I'm being completely [...]

Solomon’s Prayer for Wisdom

Back in March I heard a sermon about 1 Kings 3:1-15, and it's been sticking with me, guiding me, and coming up so much recently. Today my sweet friend Molly asked me how I'm able to focus on the Lord when I start to see Him working and doing things in exciting ways, and not [...]

The Lord is not slow in keeping His promises

If you don't follow my instagram @LyricsOfAChristianGirl - here's what I wrote on a post yesterday: "I’ve been feeling very lost lately. When caring friends hear my broken and lost heart they ask “Well what do you want to do to glorify Him?” And right now my answer is “I don’t know. I’ve lost my [...]

Pray the silly, bold, specific prayers

Pray. Pray the big, bold, specific, scary prayer. Do it. Just do it. He is a God who delights in big, bold, scary prayers, because He is a God who answers the impossible prayer. He does. Not all of them. And maybe not in the ways that we expect. But He answers. Always. In one [...]

“Newness” (2019)

2017 was tough for me. Trials and perseverance. Losing my joy. Endless hurt and pain I caused that cycled without relief. I was lost in the wilderness from the consequences of my sin. The last bit of 2017 consisted of the final piece falling apart, so I was left without direction. 2018 was the year [...]