Rooted Series [#5-7]

I haven’t posted in about three weeks, but I feel as though these three verses go well together as I explain what I’ve been learning lately.



Rooted Verse # 5: … leading up to leaving for Montreal

[Psalm 3:2-6]

Many are saying of me, “God will not deliver him.” But you, LORD, are a shield around me, my glory, the One who lifts my head high. I call out to the LORD, and He answers me from His holy mountain. I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the LORD sustains me. I will not fear though tens of thousands assail me on every side.

Rooted Verse #6: … while in Montreal

[Psalm 40:9]

I proclaim your saving acts in the great assembly;

I do not seal my lips, LORD, as you know.



I’ve been going through a season of feeling worthless, and like I don’t add any value into other people’s lives. I’ve been questioning my path on this earth and what God is calling me to. At work I’ve been put into a leadership position I wasn’t expecting, and I felt as though everyone was either looking for me to fail or looking at me and saying, “I could do it better.”

So I wanted to be reminded of God’s strength, to be reminded that He is a shield around me, the One who answers me when I cry out, the One who sustains me and says “Do not fear” because He is with me when the enemy closes in.

But after a week of praying over my Rooted Verse #5, not much had changed. I was still questioning my worth and couldn’t see where I was bringing value into other people’s lives. And if God has called me to bring His Glory onto this earth, was I actually doing that? Or was I wasting this life God has given me?

I then went on a missions trip to Montreal where I continued to question my worth. I felt like a waste of space there, and I noticed that because I had been feeling this way, the words flowing from my mouth were about anything except God. So I chose my Rooted Verse #6, to challenge me to boldly begin speaking about God again. Because I know that when I speak about Him, I feel closer to Him.

As I put this into practice and continued to pray over this verse, the Lord brought me to a realization that resulted in my Rooted Verse #7… That all God asks from us, the one thing that He deems the most important commandment… is simple.

Love God.


Rooted Verse #7: … this past week

[Matthew 22:37]

Love the Lord your God with all your heart & with all your soul & with all your mind.


Love God Love God Love God.

I realized that I had been searching for God through works. Whether His works and provision in my job, or seeking Him in myself through my works and finding my value and worth in those things.

The bible says you can’t earn your salvation through works. And although I knew I was saved, I think I’ve been trying to feel my Love for God, through my actions.

Through prophecy, visions, prayer, the Word, others, bible studies, leading high school ministry… and although those are all good… they are all first and foremost, actions.

Instead, what God calls us to first and foremost… is to Love Him. And the rest will come.

[Psalm 3:2-6] – Rooted Verse #5

I don’t need to be successful. I don’t need to know what I’m doing. I don’t need to get it 100% right.

I just need to Love God… and He will provide the wisdom, knowledge, and direction in order to thrive.

[Psalm 40:9] – Rooted Verse #6

I felt like I wasn’t loving God by not talking about Him. And although for me personally, talking about Him definitely brings me closer to Him… He reminded me that if I just Love Him first, and don’t worry about talking about Him… the words will come naturally and I won’t be able to withhold speaking about Him.

[Matthew 22:37] – Rooted Verse #7

The culmination of it all… Love God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.

And He will provide the rest.


Rooted Verse #8:

[Mark 9:24]

Immediately the boy’s father exclaimed, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!”


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