Rooted Series [#4]: Ephesians 4:25

[Ephesians 4:25]

“Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbor, for we are all members of one body.”

The other day it was revealed to me… “What would happen if someone continually spoke Life into this person, and didn’t let up until they believed it?”

I chose this verse so that I could be challenged to continually speak life into other people. To compliment and encourage them. It’s made a world of difference in my own life, because it feels good to make others feel good.

But I didn’t used to think this way. I would actually withhold compliments from people because I felt like I was putting them above myself and putting myself down.

Instead, I would look at verses about speaking truthfully to my brothers and sisters and Christ, and I would take that as, “Be blunt and make sure they can see their sin… because that’s loving.” But from experience, it doesn’t often work. Conviction is the Holy Spirit’s job.

I once heard of this chart that said:

God’s job is to JUDGE.

Jesus’ job is to SAVE.

Holy Spirit’s job is to CONVICT.

Our job is to LOVE.

When I heard this I was confused. “But isn’t it our job to call each other out in their sin so they make sure to change it?”

And even though I’d think that, it never quite sat right with me. Our job was to LOVE. And always calling people out on their crap wasn’t always loving of me…

But then, it was revealed to me.

What if we just spoke truthfully to our neighbor… about Godly truths? After all, we are all brothers and sisters in Christ. We are all members of one body. And we all fight that daily battle of doubting the truth of God’s words. So why not continually speak truth and love over someone, until they believe it? And even after that?

I know I’m currently struggling with believing that I deserve God’s good gifts. Because how could I possibly deserve anything good that’s given to me?

But God’s word and God’s TRUTH says that He actually DELIGHTS in giving good gifts to His children.

This is TRUTH folks. Who am I to doubt God’s truths? And what would happen if someone in my life [or multiple] continually and daily spoke that truth over me. Over and over and over again. What an army we would be!!

So let’s speak truth to one another. Godly, gospel truth. That we are loved. We are part of God’s family. That He delights in giving us good things, the desires of our hearts. Not because we are worthy, but because HE makes us worthy. Because He simply loves us enough to give us those good things.


Rooted Verse #5:

[Psalm 3:2-6]

Many are saying of me, “God will not deliver him.” But you, LORD, are a shield around me, my glory, the One who lifts my head high. I call out to the LORD, and He answers me from His holy mountain. I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the LORD sustains me. I will not fear though tens of thousands assail me on every side.


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