
In 2015 God gave me 12 words for each month of the year. At the start of each month I would pray over what God wanted to teach me with that word. At the end of each month, I would reflect back on all that happened and see how each word fit perfectly into what happened that month.


A few weeks ago I wanted my word to be “Rooted.” I didn’t want it to be for a specific amount of time, just a life lived rooted in Christ. But I didn’t know how to get there. I knew going to the Word was the first place I needed to be, but unless I have a plan for reading the word, I am overwhelmed and don’t know where to begin.


Last night I had the thought of each morning, finding a verse that would be my mantra for the day. And each day I would make sure I was rooted in Christ first through that verse.


This morning my friend Shelley posted the following picture:





And it inspired me.


I want to be rooted in Christ. And I know that means I need to be rooted in the Word first. So I’ve decided to start a project. Every week for a year [maybe longer, who knows], I’m going to be rooted in a verse for that week.


Then every Sunday, I’ll write a blog about the previous week, and choose a new verse for the upcoming week.


I’m excited about this project 🙂 It allows for purposeful living, creates a space for a life rooted in Christ, and challenges me to constantly reflect on the power and movement of the Lord in my life every week.


Because I was inspired by Shelley’s post today, and because I love this verse and it’s on the wall of my room… my first Rooted Verse will be [Habakkuk 1:5].

“Look at the nations and watch – and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told.”


[Thank you to Stephanie May Wilson for the beautiful wall art!]

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